signed sealed delivered

June 28th, 2012 | Posted by Hello Love in Paper - (Comments Off)

Stamps have always been a hot collectable… but not exactly for young women planning a wedding. Recently we’ve seen a resurgence in vintage stamps on wedding and event invitations. Some couples spend their entire engagement collecting cool vintage stamps that represent them or the invitation recipient. (For example you find some stamps about quilting and knitting for your aunt who likes to sew.) It’s just another part of your invitation that you can customize and coordinate. Higher face value stamps are harder to come by so you should snatch them up when you can. (Check your local YellowPages for stamp stores.) You could always put a relatively old stamp (say 1990s) paired with an interesting 1 cent stamp from 200 years ago. Make sure you get uncanceled and unused stamps. You’ll end up spending a little more than face value (the amount shown on the stamp) but your guests will be wowed!
